Starting from September 2022 all online advertising in Russia shall bear the label “ADVERTISING” and the reference to the advertiser. All internet advertising shall be registered and subject to reporting.

For doing that, an advertiser shall sign a contract with a special company – “advertising data operator”. The list of operators is not approved yet, but major Russian IT-companies (Yandex, VKontakte, Ozon, Sber, Beeline and MTS) are expected to be on the list.

An operator will register the advertising and provide it with a unique number (token).

Advertisers shall also provide the operators with reports on all advertising published on internet. The operators will forward this information to the “Unified Register of Internet Advertising”. Russian authorities will have access to the register.

The amount of information to be provided through the operators to the register is significant: information on advertisers, advertising contracts, ways of distribution, detailed information on advertising itself, advertising volumes, terms, audience, and much more.

Violation of the new regulations may entail a penalty up to 500.000 rubles.

Please feel free to contact the lawyers and IT-specialists of mlegal to comply with the new regulations.