Starting from January 27, 2021 Moscow has cancelled the COVID-requirement that at least 30% of all employees shall work from home (please read more here: Regardless of the possibility to make all employees work in the office or production site, many companies continue to use the home office regime to optimize personnel and office costs. Remote work has also its advantages for employees.
On January 1, 2021 new home office regulations were introduced into the Russian Labor Code. It is strongly recommended that all companies using home office regime comply with the new regulations.
The new regulations include:
– A company and a remote employee may exchange employment documents electronically – a digital signature is necessary to sign an employment contract; other means of identification may be used for other employment documents.
– An employee may work from home permanently, temporarily (up to 6 months) or is free to combine home office regime with work in the office.
– A remote employee shall follow the business hours of the company or may establish his/her working hours by him-/herself.
– A company shall provide remote employees with the necessary soft- and hardware or pay a compensation if the employee uses his/her own.
– A remote employee may be asked to come to the office or sent on a business trip.
– A company is free to terminate the employment contract if the remote employee is offline for more than two days. This is a long-awaited regulation, because previously companies could have difficulties with unscrupulous employees working from home.
– A company is free to temporarily transfer employees to home office in case of an emergency (including epidemic).
Please contact our legal team to organize the home office regime in your company and bring your employment documents in compliance with the new regulations.