Main Legal Forms Overview

The choice of the legal form depends directly on your planned activity


EUR 2.000 state fee, no share capital

  • not an independent legal entity (is a part of the parent company)
  • no commercial activity possible
  • only customer care, marketing, advertising, contacts on behalf of the parent company possible
  • cannot be an independent contractor, plaintiff, defendant


EUR 2.000 state fee, no share capital

  • same as representative office
  • but commercial activity on behalf of the parent company is possible


EUR 60 state fee, from EUR 140 share capital

  • independent legal entity
  • may be fully active
  • commercial activity possible
  • shareholders are liable with their shares (full liability of shareholders is possible in some specific cases only)


EUR 560 state fees, from EUR 140 share capital

  • same as LLC, but:
  • state registration of shares
  • complicated corporate management
  • disclosure of information